Wednesday 25 November 2015


Why do plus size women get little attention from guys?

Why is it that men are turned off by the term “Full Figured”?...Is it because they know what it means or maybe they have already created their own meaning of what a full figured woman is?...My guess would be that most guys think that plus size women are lazy or slobs, which then confuses me because I don’t know what your impression would be of a lazy lobby skinny person.

Here I was thinking that love is blind or at least it’s what I’ve heard, then I guess we no longer date someone because you have a connection with them or possibly love them, It all starts with the looks. Okay let’s be real here no one wants to date a messy and clumsy looking person, but when it comes to your weight that is another story.

You may be attracted to a person because of their personality and how they make you feel and all of that and then you realize that this person is actually a plus size lady, then do you change your mind about them because of their weight or do you continue and rather advise them to change their situation?...

I then sit down have some coffee and say to myself “Do I like this guy so much that I am willing to make drastic changes to my body just because I want his approval?”...and believe me my answer would be ‘Hell No’...No man in the world who claims to love you would even expect you to change for them, I personally would never change for anyone, be it my so called “soulmate” if there is such or my BFF for that matter. I believe that one should make a change in their life because it’s good for her not for anyone else.

It really does not matter if we identify as a plus size woman, a fat woman, a chubby woman or an overweight woman they still are women and they are not weird, strange nor inhumane. Just like everyone else who wants to be loved for who they are, so do we.

We are beautiful, sexy, smart and feminine.If you don't see that please don't waist your time or our time trying to date us.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Simple ways on how to dress for your body type.


Ever been so irritated by shopping only to find out that there are rarely fashionable and on trend clothes that fit you?...Most plus sized women face those kinds of challenges, but trust me when I tell you the extra work looking for the right clothes is so worth it. Remember: Do not always trust the size of the item written on the label, buy it because it fits you so perfectly that it boosts your confidence even more

As we all know, women come in different shapes and sizes, so how do you even begin to find clothes that are flattering your specific body type?...Especially 'We' full figured women. The key is to accentuate your best features and hide everything else. It is bad enough that you have to accept your big belly but that doesn't mean you can't take care of it and look fabulous.
A perfect way to draw attention away from your belly.

Draw attention away from your middle. Fuller figured women do not have to be reminded that it is sometimes challenging to dress well but the fashion industry seems to also forget that we actually exist and we want to rock those fashion runways.

As much as we do not have the courtesy to indulge on more revealing kind of clothing due to our situation,we can flaunt it the right way and when they shine trust me even small models want to be us for a moment, but seriously plus size women can wear outfits that make them look decent and yet cheek without looking desperate.

We have to be honest ladies, as much as we know that plus size women can flaunt anything from swimwear to formal, we have to know that not every trend that suits  someone else is also going to suit you as well, this also goes back to knowing the kind of body type you have and what looks good on you.

Clothes are meant to flatter you not other way round. If you do not like how the pants look on you, that is because there is something wrong about the pants, not that there is something wrong with you.

You deserve pretty clothes, the fact that it is hard to find fashion-forward larger clothing sends a very strong, subtle message: That you do not deserve to look or feel pretty, just be grateful it fits. You have every right to look and feel great,no matter what your weight is!

Yes I am a full figured woman who is tired of being judged but I will never be ashamed for having more than one purge”. Jennifer Foreman.

More on how to look extra fabulous during this summer, Next week.